最完整的英语词根词缀表(一)最完整的英语词根词缀表(一)Root, Prefix or Suffix Meaning Examples a, ac, ad, af, ag, al, an, ap, as, at to, toward, near, in addition to, by aside, accompany, adjust, aggression, allocate, annihilate, affix, associate, attend, adverb a-, an- not, without apolitical, atheist, anarchy, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, anemia ab, abs away from, off absolve, abrupt, absent -able, -ible Adjective: worth, ability solvable, incredible acer, acid, acri bitter, sour, sharp acerbic, acidity, acrid, acrimony act, ag do, act, drive active, react, agent, active, agitate acu sharp acute, acupuncture, accurate -acy, -cy Noun: state or quality privacy, nfancy, adequacy, intimacy, supremacy -ade act, product, sweet drink blockade, lemonade aer, aero air, atmosphere, aviation aerial, aerosol, aerodrome ag, agi, ig, act do, move, go agent, agenda, agitate, navigate, ambiguous, action -age Noun: activity, or result of action courage, suffrage, shrinkage, tonnage agri, agro pertaining to fields or soil agriculture, agroindustry -al Noun: action, result of action referral, disavowal, disposal, festival -al, -ial, -ical Adjective: quality, relation structural, territorial, categorical alb, albo white, without pigment albino, albite ali, allo, alter other alias, alibi, alien, alloy, alter, alter ego, altruism alt high, deep altimeter, altitude am, ami, amor love, like, liking amorous, amiable, amicable, enamoured ambi both ambidextrous ambul to walk ambulatory, amble, ambulance, somnambulist -an Noun: person artisan, guardian, historian, magician ana, ano up, back, again, anew anode, anagram, anagenetic -ance, -ence Noun: action, state, quality or process resistance, independence, extravagance, fraudulence -ancy, -ency Noun: state, quality or capacity vacancy, agency, truancy, latency andr, andro male, characteristics of men androcentric, android ang angular angle anim mind, life, spirit, anger animal, animate, animosity ann, annu, enni yearly annual, annual, annuity, anniversary, perrenial -ant, -ent Noun: an agent, something that performs the action disinfectant, dependent, fragrant -ant, -ent, -ient Adjective: kind of agent, indication important, dependent, convenient ante before anterior, anteroom, antebellum, antedate, antecedent antediluvian anthrop man anthropology, misanthrope, philanthropy anti, ant against, opposite antisocial, antiseptic, antithesis, antibody, antinomies, antifreeze, antipathy anti, antico old antique, antiquated, antiquity apo, ap, aph away from, detached, formed apology, apocalypse, aphagia aqu water aqueous -ar, -ary Adjective: resembling, related to spectacular, unitary arch chief, first, rule archangel, architect, archaic, monarchy, matriarchy, patriarchy, Archeozoic era -ard, -art Noun: characterized braggart, drunkard, wizard aster, astr star aster, asterisk, asteroid, astronomy, astronaut -ate Noun: state, office, fuction candidate, electorate, delegate -ate Verb: cause to be graduate, ameliorate, amputate, colligate -ate Adjective: kind of state inviolate -ation Noun: action, resulting state specialization, aggravation, alternation auc, aug, aut to originate, to increase augment , author, augment, auction aud, audi, aur, aus to hear, listen audience, audio, audible, auditorium, audiovisual, audition, auricular, ausculate aug, auc increase augur, augment, auction aut, auto self automobile, automatic, automotive, autograph, autonomous, autoimmune bar weight, pressure barometer be on, around, over, about, excessively, make, cause, name, affect berate, bedeck, bespeak, belittle, beleaguer belli war rebellion, belligerent, casus belli, bellicose bene good, well, gentle benefactor, beneficial, benevolent, benediction, beneficiary, benefit bi, bine two biped, bifurcate, biweekly, bivalve, biannual bibl, bibli, biblio book bibliophile, bibliography, Bible bio, bi life biography, biology, biometricsm biome, biosphere brev short abbreviate, brevity, brief cad, cap, cas, ceiv, cept, capt, cid, cip to take, to seize, to hold receive, deceive, capable, capacious, captive, accident, capture, occasion, concept, intercept, forceps, except, reciprocate cad, cas to fall cadaver, cadence, cascade -cade procession motorcade calor heat calorie, caloric, calorimeter capit, capt head decapitate, capital, captain, caption carn flesh carnivorous, incarnate, reincarnation, carnal cat, cata, cath down, with catalogue, category, catheter caus, caut burn, heat caustic, cauldron, cauterize cause, cuse, cus cause, motive because, excuse, accusation ceas, ced, cede, ceed, cess to go, to yield, move, go, surrender succeed, proceed, precede, recede, secession, exceed, succession cent hundred centennial, century, centipede centr, centri center eccentricity, centrifugal, concentric, eccentric chrom color chrome, chromosome, polychrome, chromatic chron time chronology, chronic, chronicle chronometer, anachronism, synchronize cide, cis, cise to kill, to cut, cut down fratricide, homicide, incision, incision, circumcision, scissors circum around circumnavigate, circumflex, circumstance, circumcision, circumference, circumorbital, circumlocution, circumvent, circumscribe, circulatory cit call, start incite, citation, cite civ citizen civic, civil, civilian, civilization clam, claim cry out exclamation, clamor, proclamation, reclamation, acclaim clin lean, bend decline, aclinic, inclination clud, clus claus to close, shut include, exclude, clause, claustrophobia, enclose, exclusive, reclusive, conclude co, cog, col, coll, con, com, cor with, together cohesiveness, cognate, collaborate, convene, commitment, compress, contemporary, converge, compact, confluence, convenient, concatenate, conjoin, combine, correct cogn, gnos to know recognize, cognizant, diagnose, agnostic, incognito, prognosis com, con fully complete, compel, conscious, condense, confess, confirm contr, contra, counter against, opposite contradict, counteract, contravene, contrary, counterspy, contrapuntal cord, cor, cardi heart cordial, concord, discord, courage, encourage corp body corporation, corporal punishment, corpse, corpulent, corpus luteum cort correct escort, cortage cosm universe, world cosmos, microcosm, cosmopolitan, cosmonaut cour, cur, curr, curs run, course occur, excursion, discourse, courier, course crat, cracy rule autocrat, aristocrat, theocracy, technocracy cre, cresc, cret, crease grow create, crescent, accretion, increase crea create creature, recreation, creation cred believe creed, credo, credence, credit, credulous, incredulous, incredible cresc, cret, crease, cru rise, grow crescendo, concrete, increase, decrease, accrue crit separate, choose critical, criterion, hypocrite cur, curs run current, concurrent, concur, incur, recur, occur, courier, precursor, cursive cura care curator, curative, manicure cycl, cyclo wheel, circle, circular Cyclops, unicycle, bicycle, cyclone, cyclic de- from, down, away, to do the opposite, reverse, against detach, deploy, derange, decrease, deodorize, devoid, deflate, degenerate dec, deca ten, ten times decimal, decade, decalogue, decimate, decathlon dec, dign suitable decent decorate dignity dei, div God divinity, divine, deity, divination, deify dem, demo people, populace, population democracy, demography, demagogue, epidemic dent, dont tooth dental, denture, orthodontist, periodontal derm skin, covering hypodermic, dermatology, epidermis, taxidermy di-, dy- two, twice, double divide, diverge, diglycerides dia through, across, between diameter, diagonal, dialogue dialect, dialectic, diagnosis, diachronic dic, dict, dit say, speak dictation, dictionary, dictate, dictator, Dictaphone, edict, predict, verdict, contradict, benediction dis, dif not, opposite of, reverse, separate, deprive of, away dismiss, differ, disallow, disperse, dissuade, divide, disconnect, disproportion, disrespect, distemper, disarray dit give credit, audit doc, doct teach, prove docile, doctor, doctrine, document, dogma, indoctrinate domin master, that which is under control dominate, dominion, predominant, domain don give donate, condone dorm sleep dormant, dormitory dox thought, opinion, praise orthodox, heterodox, paradox, doxology -drome run, step syndrome, aerodrome, velodrome duc, duct to lead, pull produce, abduct, product, transducer, viaduct, aqueduct, induct, deduct, reduce, induce dura hard, lasting durable, duration, endure dynam power dynamo, dynamic, dynamite, hydrodynamics dys- bad, abnormal, difficult, impaired, unfavorable dysfunctional, dyslexia, dyspathy
homo是一个简写, 有人,人类(学名)的意思,也有〈美俚〉同“homosexual”(异性恋)的意思。
已知,这个单词最早出如今匈牙利作家Karl Maria Kertbeny的一篇文章中。
Karl Maria Kertbeny撰文抨击并抵抗该法则,并初次创出单词“homosexuality”,已用来代替过后宽泛经常使用的带有褒义色调的“鸡奸者(pederast)”一词。

前缀1, a-1) 加在单词或词根前面,示意“不,无,非”。
acentric; amoral;2) 加在单词前,示意“在,的”asleep; aside2, ab-, abs- 加在词根前,示意“同样,变坏,离去”abnormal,; abuse3, ab-, ac-, ad-, af-, ag-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-加在同辅音字母的词根前,示意“一再”等增强意。
accompany, accomplish, affirm, attract4, ad-加在单词或词根前,示意“做,增强”。
adapt, adopt, adjoin, adjust, adventure5, amphi- “两个,两种”。
amphibian6, an-在词根前,示意“不,无”。
anonymous, anarchism7, ana-示意“失误,在旁边,分开”analogy, analysis8, ante-示意“前面,先”antedate, anterior, antecedent9, anti-示意“推戴,同样”antiwar, antitank, antibody10, apo- 示意“退出,远离”apogee11, auto-“智能,自己”automobile, automatic, autograph12, be-1) 导致动词,示意“使成为”befall, befriend, behold2) 导致介词beside, behind, below, before, beneath13, bene-“善,好”benefaction, benediction, beneficent14, bi-示意“两个”biweekly, bilingual, biennial,15, by-“在旁边,副的”byroad, byway, bywork16, circum-“盘绕,周围”17, co-示意“独特”,通常方在元音词根前。
Coeducation, cohabit, coexist, coincide18, col-, cor-在同辅音词根前,示意“独特”。
collapse, colleague, collect19, com-, con- “独特”combine, compassion, commotion,20,contra-示意“推戴,同样”contrary, contradict, contravene,21,counter-示意“推戴,同样”counteract, counterbalance,22,de-示意“去掉,变坏,退出,变慢,向下”等destruction, demobilize. desalt示意“使…成为,增强”等-示意“两个,双”dichromatic, dioxide示意“使…变成,分开,退出”digest24,dia- 示意“穿过,二者之间”dialogue, diameter25,dif- 和辅音重复示意“不,否认,分开”differ, difference, diffident26,dis-示意“不,隐没掉”dislike, disorder, dishonest示意“分开,分别”dispart, disseminate, dispense27,dys-示意“坏,不良”dyspepsia, dyslexia, dysfunction28,e-,ef- 示意“出,出来”evaluate, elongate, elaborate29,em-,en-示意“进入…之中,解围”embrace, embed, empathy示意“使…进入形态”empower, embitter, embody30,epi-示意“在…上,在…周围,在…前面”epidermal, epidemic, epigram31,eu-示意“好,低劣”eulogize, euphemism, euphonious32,ex-示意“出,进来”export, exclude, expel示意“前面的,前任的”ex-wife, ex-president,33,exo-示意“外部的,外面”exogamy, exotic34,extra-示意“以外的,超越的”extracurriculum, extraordinary,35,fore-示意“前面,预先”foresee, forehead, forestall36,hetero-示意“异类,异种”heterosexual, heterodoxy,37,homo-示意“同类的”homogeneous, homonym38,hyper-示意“超越,太多”hyperactive, hypersensitive,39,hypo-示意“上方,次等”hypodermic, hypocrisy, hypocrite40,il-, ir-放在同辅音词根前示意“不,无”illegal, illiterate, illogical,示意“使…成为,进入”illustrate, illuminate, illusion,41,im-,in-示意“不,无,非”impossible, immoral, impolite,示意“向内,进入”import, imprison, immigrate42,inter-示意“在…之间,相互”international, interpersonal,43,intro-示意“向内,入内”introduce, introspect, introvert44,macro-示意“宏伟,大”macroworld, macrostructure,45,mal-示意“坏,恶”(亦作male)malcontent, malpractice ,malnutrition46,micro-示意“微,小”a-/an- == no; without; lack, amateur 不熟练的,闲余的, anonymous 匿名的, asocial 不好社交的, anechoic 消声的, anharmonic 不谐和的, anarchism 无政府主义, acentric 无核心的, amoral 非品德性的, asexual 无性别的 a- == in; on; at; by; with;to, asleep 在酣睡中, ahead 向前,在前头, abreast 肩并肩地, aside 在一边, abed 在床上, abloom 开花 a-/an- == 增强意义, aloud 高声地, aright 正确地, awake 唤醒, aweary 困倦的, annotate 注释, announce 发表,公告 ab- == from; away from, abnormal 不反常的, abroad 国外的, abuse 滥用, absorb 吸去, abaxial 退出轴心的, abend 意外终止 ac- == at; to,或示意增强意义, accustom 使习气, account 计算,算帐, accredit 信赖, accompany 陪伴, acclaim 喝彩,喝彩, accomplish 实现 ad- == to; toward; forward, advice 倡议, advocate 提倡, adjoin 邻近 adjust 调整, admixture 混同, adventure 冒险 af- == at; to,或示意增强意义, affright 震惊,恐怖, affix 附加,贴上, affirm 必需,确实 ag- == at; to,或示意增强意义, aggrandize 增大, aggravate 减轻, aggrieve 使悲痛 amphi- == 两、双, amphicar 水陆两用车, amphibian 水陆两栖的, amphitheatre 两边都可观看的剧场,圆形剧场 ante- == before, antecedent 先前的,后行的, antetype 先型,原型, anteport 前港,外港, anteroom 前室,应酬室, antedate 比实践早的日期, antestomach 前胃 anti- == against, antipathy 反感, antifreeze 防冻, antiwar 反战的, anti-imperlialist 反帝的, antiageing 防苍老的, antitank 反坦克 ap- == 增强或引伸意义, appoint 指定,任命, appraise 评估, appease 停息,绥靖 ap-/apo- == 退出, apogee 远地点(远离地球之处), apostasy 脱党,叛教, aphelion (天文)远日点 ar- == at; to,或示意增强及引伸意义, arrange 布置,布置, arrect 直立的, arrear 在后,迁延 arch- == 1)big; chief. 2)ancient, archbishop 大主教, archaeology 考古学, archaic 古体的,古风的 as == to;forward, assign 派出, assent 赞同, assort 分类, assimilate 异化,排汇, assure 使确信,担保, associate 联结,结合 at- == at; to,或示意增强及引伸意义, attrap 使入圈套, attest 证实, attract 吸引 auto- == self; personally, automation 智能化, autograph 亲笔, autoalarm 智能报警器, autocriticism 自我批判, autorotation 智能旋转, autobiography 自传 be- == make or cause to be, befog 使迷糊, befit 适宜, belittle 丑化, befriend 以好友相待, becalm 使慌乱, befool 诈骗,捉弄 be- == 加以...,饰以...,用...(做某事), bepowder 在...上撒粉, bejewel 饰以珠宝, becloud 遮盖 be- == 在, beside 在...旁, below 在...上方, before 在...之前 be- == 增强及引伸意义, befall 来临,出现, bespatter 溅污, belaud 大加赞扬 bene- == well; good, benign 和蔼的, benevolent 乐善好施的, benefit 好处, benediction 祝愿, benefaction 恩德,善行, beneficent 行善的 bi- == two, bicycle 自行车, bilateral 双方, bimonthly 双月刊, biweekly 双周刊, bicolor 两色的, bilingual 两种言语的 by- == 旁、侧、非正式、副, byroad 小路,僻径, bywork 闲余上班, byname 别名,绰号 circu- == around, circulate 流通, circumnavigate 全球飞行, circumspect 思考周到的, circumplanetary 盘绕行星的, circumpolar 在两极周围的, circumaviate 全球飞行 co- == together, coaction 独特执行, cooperate 协作, coeducation 男女同校 col- == together, collaboration 协作,团结, collingual 用同一种言语的, collocate 并置,并列 com- == together, compatriot 同胞,同国人, combine 联结,结合, commiserate 同情 com- == 增强或引伸意义, commove 使骚动, compress 紧缩, commemorate 纪念 con- == together, concolorous 同色的, connatural 异性质的, contemporary 同时代的 con- == 增强或引伸意义, conclude 完结,终结, confirm 使坚决, consolidate 坚固,增强 contra- == against, contradiction 矛盾, controversial 或者惹起争议的, contraclockwise 逆时针方向的, contra-missile 反导弹导弹, contraposition 对照,针对, contraband 走私,违法买卖 cor- == together, correlation 相互相关, corradiate 使(光线)共聚于一点, correspond 合乎,相应 cor- == 增强或引伸意义, correct 矫正,纠正, corrupt 糜烂,败坏, corrugate 使起皱纹 counter- == opposite, counterrevolutionary 革命的, countermeasure 对策,应策, countercurrent 顺流, countermarch 反方向后退, counterattack 反攻,还击, countercharge 反控,反告 de- == down from, deplane 下飞机, dethrone 使离王位, derail 使(火车)脱轨 de- == 向下、降落、缩小, depress 压低,压下, depopulation 人口缩小, devalue 升值 de- == 使成...,作成...,或仅作增强意义, delimit 划定界限, denude 使袒露, depicture 描画,形容 de- == not, denationalize 非国有化, demilitarize 使非军事化, demobilize 复员 de- == 除去、敞开、毁, desalt 除去盐份, deforest 砍伐森林, decontrol 敞开管制 dec(a)- == ten, decade 十年, decimal 十进位制的, decathlon 十项全能 deci- == 十分之一, decigram 十分之一克, decimeter 十分之一米, decilitre 十分之一升 demi- == 半, demigod 半神半人, demi-fixed 半固定的, demiwolf 半似狼之犬 di- == 二、双, diatomic 二原子的, disyllable 双音节的, dichromatic 两色的 dia- == through;between;across , diameter 直径, dialogue 对话, diagnosis 诊断 dif- == 1)apart. 2)not;opposite , diffluence 分流, diffident 不自信的, diffuse 散开,散布 dis- == 不、无、同样, dislike 不青睐, disagree 不赞同, discontinue 终止, disorder 凌乱, disbelieve 不信, disproof 反证, dishonest 不老实的, dispraise 贬损,责难, disappear 隐没, disremember 遗记, discomfort 不舒适, disability 无能,有力 dis- == 敞开、除去、毁, disorganize 瓦解, disroot 根除, discourage 使失去勇气, disrobe 脱衣, disarm 解除武装,扩军, dishearten 使失去信念, disburden 解除累赘, discolor 使褪色, dismember 解体 dis- == 加在含有分开、否认等意义的单词前,作增强意义, dispart 分别,裂开, dissever 决裂,切断, dissemination 散布,流传 dis- == 分开、离、散, dissect 切开, dissolve 分别,溶解, distract 专心,转移, dispense 调配, dispel 解散, dissipate 解散,糜费 dis- == 有时作di-,, dispirit 使气馁,使丧气, divorce 离婚, digress 离正题,入歧路 dys- == 不良、恶、艰巨, dysfunction (医)机能失调,配置紊乱, dysphonia 发音艰巨, dyspepsia 消化不良, dyspathy 反感, dysgenesis 生殖力不良, dysopsy 弱视 e- == 增强或引伸意义, evaluate 评估, elongate 使延伸,拉长, estop 阻止,制止, estrange 使疏远, evanish 隐没, elaborate 精心制造,详细形容 e- == 出、外, eject 投出,掷出, emigrate 移居国外, elect 选出, emerge 浮出,出现, erupt 喷出, evade 逃出 ef- == 出、离去, effluence 流出, effable 能被说出的, effoliation 落叶 em- == 示意置于...之内、上..., embay 使(船)入湾, embus 上车,装入车中, embosom 藏于胸中,怀抱, emplane 乘飞机, embed 安排, embog 使陷于泥沼中 em- == 示意用...做某事、饰以...、配以..., embalm 涂以香料(防腐剂), embank 筑堤防护, embar 上门闩,囚禁 em- == 示意使成某种形态、以至...、使之如...、作成..., embow 使成弓形, empower 使有权势,授权, empurple 使发紫, embody 表现,使详细化, embitter 使受苦, embrown 使成褐色 eco- == ecological, ecosphere 生态圈, ecosystem 生态系统, ecocide 生态灭绝 en- == 示意置于..之中、登上...、使上..., entrain 乘火车, encage 关入笼中, encase 装入, enplane 乘飞机, encave 藏于洞中, enroll 注销,记入名册中, enthrone 使登基, enshrine 藏于神龛中, enfold 包进、拥抱 en- == make or cause to be,使成某种形态、以至...、使之如...、作成..., enable 使能够, endanger 使受风险, enlighten 启示,启蒙, enlarge 扩展,加大, enrich 使富足, enslave 使成奴隶,奴役 en- == 用...来做某事、饰以...、配以..., enchain 用链锁住, enlace 用带缚, entrap 诱陷 en- == 家在动词之前,示意in,或只作增强意义, enclose 围入,关进, entrust 信赖,委托, enforce 强迫执行, enkindle 点火, enwrap 包入,卷入, enhearten 鼓舞,振奋 endo- == 内, endoparasite 体内寄生虫, endogamy (同族)外部通婚, endogen内生植物 eu- == good;well;easy, eugenica 优生学, eulogize 称誉, emphemism 宛转语, euphonic 声响柔美的, eupepsia 消化良好, euthenics 优境学 ex- == out;out of, exclusive 不包含...的, expose 告发, emit 发射出, export 出口,输入, exclude 排外,排挤, excavate 挖出,开掘, exit 出口, extract 抽出,拔出, exhume 掘出 ex- == 前任的、以前的, ex-president 前任总统, ex-Nazis 前纳粹分子, ex-mayor 前任市长, ex-chancellor 前任大学校长, ex-premier 前任总理, ex-wife 前妻 ex- == 示意使、做,或作增强意义, expurgate 使清洁, exalt 使升高,增高, excruciate 施刑,使苦恼 exo- == 外、外部, exobiology 外空动物学, exogamy 异族通婚, exosphere 外大气圈 extra- == 以外、超越, extrapolitical 政治外的,超政治的, extraofficial 职权以外的, extracurriculum 课外的, extraordinary 分内的, extra-special 特意低劣的, extralegal 法律权势以外的, extraprofessional 职业以外的, extrasolar 太阳系以外的, extraessential 退出实质的、非重要的 fore- == ahead, forehead 前额, forecast 预测, foreword 前言,序文, foretell 预言, foresee 预感, foreword 序文,前言, forearm 前臂, foreknow 先知, foretime 以往,过去, foreground 前景, forefather 先人,先人, forerun 先驱 hecto- == 百, hectogram 百克, hectowatt 百瓦, hectoampere 百安培 hemi- 半, hemisphere 半球, hemicycle 半圆形, hemicrania 偏头疼 hepta- == 七(在母音前作hept-), heptagon 七角形, heptode 七极管, heptahedron 七面体 hetero- == 异, heteropolar 异极的, heterosexual 异型的, heterodoxy 异教,异端 hexa- == 六(在母音前作hex-), hexagon 六角形, hexode 六极管, hexameter 六韵步诗 holo- == 全, hologram 全息图, holography 全息照相术, holophone 声响全息记载器, holocrystalline 全结晶的, holohedron 片面体, holophote 全射镜 homo- == of the same, homosexual 异性恋的, homograph 同形异义词, homotype 同型, homopolar 同极的, homophone 同音异义字, homocentric 同核心的, homothermic 同温的, homogeneous 同族的, homostasis 同态 hyper- == above;excessive;too much, hypercritical 求全责备的, hypertension 高血压, hypersensitive 过敏的, hypermilitant 极度厌战的, hyperslow 极慢的, hypersuspicious 过火多疑的, hypersexual 性欲极强的, hyperverbal 谈话太多的, hyperactive 优惠适度的, hypersonic 极超音速的, hyperacid 胃酸过多的, hypercorrection 矫枉过正 hypo- == 下、低、次、少, hyposensitize 削弱...的敏感度, hypodermic 皮下的, hypoglossal 舌下的, hypothermia 体温过低, hypotension 低血压, hypochlorite 次氯酸盐 il- == (用在l之前)不、无、非, illegal 合法的, illogical 不合逻辑的, illiterate 文盲, illimitable 有限的, illocal 不仅一处的,无所不在的, illiberal 悭吝的,粗俗的 il- == (用在l之前)增强或引伸意义, illustrate 举例说明,图解, illuminate 照明 im- == (用在b,p,m之前)into, immigrate 移民, inspect 视察, ingress 入侵, import 出口,输入, imprison 入狱, imbibe 排汇, immission 注入,准许进入, immerge 浸入,没入 im- == (用在b,p,m之前)不、无、非, impossible 无法能的, immemorial 新鲜的,无法记忆的, imperfect 不完美的, impolite 无礼的, immoral 不品德的, impassive 冷酷的,无表情的, impure 不纯的, impersonal 非团体的, imbalance 不平衡的 im- == (用在b,p,m之前)增强意义,或示意使成...、饰以...、加以..., impulse 激动,抚慰, immanacle 加以手铐, impel 推进,驱使, imbrute 腐化,使成禽兽, imperil 危害,使处于风险, impearl 使成珍珠,饰以珍珠 in- == 不、无、非, inglorious 不光荣的,不声誉的, incapable 无能力的, incorrect 失误的, incomparable 无以伦比的, incomplete 不齐全的, insensible 无知觉的,麻木不仁的, inhuman 横蛮的,不人道的, injustice 不公正, informal 非正式的 in- == 内、入, inside 外部,外面, inbreak 入侵, indoor 室内的, intake 入口,输入量,摄入, inland 中原的,国际的, inbreathe 吸入, inject 注射,注入, inrush 涌入 in- == 增强意义,或示意使...、作..., inspirit 处罚, inflame 熄灭, intrench 用壕沟围绕,使起皱纹, intone 吟诵, invigorate 鼓舞, ingraft 接枝 infra- == below, infrared 红内线的, infrastructure 下部结构, infrasonic 低于声频的, infrahuman 类人猿的,低于人类的, infrasound 次声,亚音速, infraorbital 眼眶下的 inter- == 在...之间、...之际, intercontinental 洲际的, interlay 拔出两边, international 国际的, interline 插写出来,写于行间, interoceanic 大洋间的, intergroup 集团之间的, intercity 市区间的, interject 插嘴,突然拔出, interpersonal 人与人之间的 inter- == 相互, interchange 替换, interview 接见, interact 相互作用, interweave 混纺,交织, interdependence 相互依赖, intermix 混合,混同, intercourse 来往,交流, interconnect 使相互衔接, intermarry 通婚,远亲结婚 intra- == 在内、外部, intraparty 党内的, intrapersonal 心坎的, intracity 市内的, intraregional 地域内的, intraday 今日的, intracompany 公司外部的, intracollegiate 大学内的, intra-trading 外部贸易, intracloud 云间的 intro- == within, introduce 引见, introspect 反省, introverted 外向, introflection 向内笔挺, intromit 拔出, introvision 内有 ir- == (用在r之前)不、无, irregular 不规则的, irresistible 无法抵抗的, irremovable 无法移动的, irrelative 无相关的, irrational 不正当的,在理性的, irresolute 优柔寡断的