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     2024-09-27 12:06:13     471



尽力去翻了, 由于不想语句格局太繁多, 有几个中央衔接词改了改, 最后一句话也尽量排比了 嗯。 Differences between Chinese and Western architectural culture We would compare the traditional Chinese architecture and classical Western architecture from five different aspects; building materials, purposes, color, spatial arrangement, future development trend. 1. Materials Chinese traditional architecture is mostly built from since ancient times, it adopted the wooden structure, as later this structure plays the domestic role in traditional chinese architecture structure. Western classical architecture use stone as their major material. Their key identy is the load-bearing walls and semi-arch roof. As a matter of fact, the concrete building structure which widely adopted around the world is a continuation from the Western architecture. 2. Purposes Chinese traditional architecture nomally is build for multiple purpose. Regardless what it is build for, its shape always satisfy two requirements: all yards are linking with each other and they are symmetry by its axises. Also, each house is build for multiple uses. In most situations, the classical western architecture are build for single purpose. At the beginning of design, their uses are decided. Since its function is extremly clarified, therefore it is not possible for one to confuse it with other architecture; further, it would be more difficult for it to become general use. Its fuction reflect an idea of the westerners emphasis on their single identity. 3. Color From Han to Tang Dynasty, the chinese traditional architecture is fond of simple and light colors. The bright colors are very popular among ancient Greece buildings, and the luxurious color style from ancient Rome has heavily put its impact on the achitecture of the whole European countries. arrangement The traditional chinese architecture is advocated by its beauty of harmonious. The basic and keynote for its style is designed in accordance with the thinking of harmony. Most of them is arranged as one whole stucture consist of many plain and smaller groups; this means the individuals are subordinated to the overall, and it shows the pursuit of harmony. Western classical architecture is more emphasis on its beauty of confrontation, reflecting the challenge and conquest between human and nature. So they always build with stone, concrete and other building materials which are more stiff, cold, rational feeling in nature. On their structure, Western architecture always adopt the exaggerate scale and shape to show off the its noble and permanent of architure and the great power from human-being. They always build with vertical stucture accompany with a tall and straight appearance. 5. Development Trend The chinese traditional archetecture developed with a slow but steady pace, for the reason that China has a continuous culture tradition, and this affect its archetecture development. Our traditional archetecture is become more and more stylized in terms of its technology, structure, appearance and so on; therefore, its development process is become even slower. Not like chinese traditional architecture, the western classical architecture is developing rapidly. and it is very much emphasis on the undergoing style, regional characteristics and national identities. 6. Conclusion As a matter of fact, most of pictures we saw regards to the chinese architecture is traditional architecture; the question on the lip is why there is so few pictures of our modern building? Therefore, we would like to particularly stress the contribution to those archetects who still pursuiting on the new national style. Beacause, it is considered a lack of creative mind if we totally copy from the western style, a lack of responsibility if we choose to ignore this problem, a way of no-through if we turn back to our so-called classical; thus, the only right way in front of us is to inheriting and continously creating. We, as the new generation of architects-to-be, surely should think about this.


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