
entrance examination是什么意思 (entrance)

     2024-10-18 22:35:19     739

entrance examinationn.退学考试袭枣搭; national college entrance examination also tests candidates on their knowledge of thesubject. 大陆高拍拿考雷同也会调查在校生汉语方面的常识。

notoriously tough national higher education entrance examination, or gaokao forshort, is a milestone for young chinese people. 以严酷著称的全国初等教育退学考试,简称高考,是中国年轻人的一个里程碑。
another california trip, this time to discuss education with the business roundtable, atelephone company executive told me that 70 percent of his job applicants flunked thecompanys entrance examination, even though virtually all of them were high schoolgraduates. 还有一次性,我去加利福尼亚与加入商业圆桌会议的人讨论教育疑问,一家电话公司的主管人员对我说,该公司70%的应聘者都不能岩笑经过公司的入门考试,即使这些应聘者简直都是高中毕业生。

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